Sunday, August 14, 2011

Soar With Your Strengths

Title: Soar With Your Strengths: A Simple Yet Revolutionary Philosophy of Business and Management
Authors: Donald O. Clifton and Paula Nelson
Amazon link here

I started this blog mainly to share good books that I enjoy reading but the inaugural post will be based on a book I had to read for my Executive Management and Leadership class at Liberty University.

I would recommend this to anyone looking to capitalize on the things that they do well. It is not a heavy read, nor is it a deep book but it will get you thinking. It is eight short chapters which can be read in less than a day or read in small bites so that the chapters can be processed more fully.

The premise of this book is to find out what you do well and do more of it. Then to find out what you don't do well and learn how to control it. It begins with a parable about a rabbit and other wild creatures who decide to go to school. This parable becomes the launching point for the book and highlights how much we hurt ourselves in this culture when we focus on the things we do wrong rather than working to improve the things we do well. It ends by reminding us how important it is to celebrate our, and others, achievements. And for someone who is not really into making a big deal about the things I do well, it has made me realize that celebration is equally important to success.

This book is definitely worth reading.